Child Health Andrew Place Clinic offers comprehensive health checks and services for children including immunisations, asthma and allergy advice, information about growth, nutrition and emotional wellbeing and support.
Family Planning The insertion of long acting reversible contraceptives is available here at Andrew Place Clinic. This includes both the subdermal (under the skin in upper arm) Implanon-NXT and intrauterine devices (IUD) such as Mirena.
Mental Health The Doctors are skilled in providing mental health support and counselling services to the patients, working closely with local Psychologists ensuring streamlined care. All doctors are able to provide Mental Health Care Plans where appropriate to help you access these services.
Women’s Health Andrew Place Clinic provides full women’s health services including menopause, cervical screening tests, sexual health screening and management, pre-conception, fertility concerns and gynaecological issues.
Pregnancy Care The clinic provides supportive and personalised pregnancy care. Some of the doctorsare accredited to provide shared pregnancy care with the Mercy Hospital for Women, the Northern Hospital and the Royal Women’s Hospital.
Men’s Health Andrew Place Clinic provides a range of men’s health services which include preventative health, chronic disease prevention, cancer screening, emotional wellbeing and health education.
Pathology There is onsite pathology collection for blood tests, ECGs, swabs and other tests available across both clinic locations at Bundoora and Mill Park. Bundoora - Australian Clinical Labs Mill Park - 4 Cyte Pathology
Travel Medicine Andrew Place Clinic is an accredited Yellow Fever immunisation clinic and the clinic also offers some on-site vaccinations and individualised travel medicine advice.
Skin Checks Andrew Place Clinic provides comprehensive skin cancer screening, mole checks and minor surgical management.
Procedures The clinic offers a range of specialised procedures including: Iron infusions (Ferinject) Skin cancer treatments: cryotherapy, surgical excision of moles Other skin surgery: skin tag removal, repair of lacerations and removal of sutures. Micro Earsuctioning for Earwax removal A