A standard appointment usually deals with 1 issue and for this we allow up to 12 minutes. Should you feel you have more concerns you would like discussed then we encourage you to make a longer appointment and for this we allow up to 25 minutes. Please inform our friendly reception staff if you are wanting to book for specific care plans or procedures as these often involve longer appointments and may also involve time being allocated with our nursing staff as well as the doctor. While doctors and nurses endeavour to run on time, the nature of health care is that delays sometimes happen and we thank you for your patience if this occurs. As can be expected, emergency cases are given priority and we trust that you will understand if an emergency is seen before you.
Here are a few tips to get the most out of a visit to your doctor:
- Think about and write down any questions you want to ask before your visit
- Consider the need for a longer consultation if you have a more complex problem or multiple problems to discuss
- Consider taking a family member or friend with you as another set of ears
- Ask your doctor or health professional to explain any information that you did not understand during your consultation
- Feel free to ask questions, especially about the benefits, side effects and costs of treatments
- Tell your doctor or health professional if you need time to think or to discuss something with family members. A follow up appointment may then be required
- Write down any important information or instructions that you are given or ask your doctor is a printed information sheet is available
Andrew Place Clinic offers 24hr Blood Pressure Monitor appointments to existing patients on request.
A non-rebate fee will apply for this service. The fee for patients holding a valid Concession card is $60 and fee for all other Private patients is $80.
In January 2022 the fee for existing Workcover & TAC consultations was lifted and now matches the standard consultation fee. All WorkCover & TAC appointments will be paid for by the patient at the time of consultation, who will then seek the reimbursement from their workplace.
Please note that billing will, as always, be subject to doctor discretion.
If you would like more information regarding general practice fees see the following link:
RECEIVING RESULTS - Change to Results Policy as from 7/11/2024
As from Monday 7/11/2024, all results will be handed over to our Nursing team. This covers all results, including informing patients and releasing of results.
Nurses are trained to handle many things within their scope of practice, which includes certain aspects of patient education and communication. Delegating the communication of results to nurses will optimise the overall delivery process and minimise any clinical risks.
Patients can access results via speaking with the allocated Nurse (always at Bundoora on 9467 1444) strictly during the following hours only –
Monday with Nurse Jo - Between 1pm-2pm
Wednesday with Nurse Niamh – Between 1pm-2pm
Fridays with Nurse Niamh – Between 1pm-2pm
If a patient calls outside of these hours, reception will advise them to call back during our “results” time and they will transfer the call at that stage to the Nurse.
If the Nurse is on the phone with another results call and the patient's call cannot be put through, reception may take the patient's details & email BOTH Nurse Managers who may assist in speaking with the patient. A nurse will endeavour to return the call (ideally bewteen 1-2pm) but if not that day.
General Practitioners should practice quality prescribing, so the doctors at Andrew Place Clinic prefer to see all patients who need prescriptions at a scheduled appointment. It is understood that this may not be possible in all cases. A non-rebate fee will apply for all prescriptions issued without an appointment ($20).
Any requests for prescription/s will be forwarded to your doctor and will be actioned within 5 business days. No Requests will be taken or actioned on the weekend or on a Public Holiday. If the matter is more urgent, we recommend that you make an appointment to see a doctor.
General Practitioners are unable to backdate referrals so please ensure you have a valid referral before seeing a specialist.
It is preferred that you arrange appointment to see your regular doctor to issue referrals for specialist visits and specialist tests. It is understood that this may not be possible in all cases so a non-rebate fee will apply for all referrals issued without an appointment ($20).
Any requests for referrals will be forwarded to your doctor and will be actioned within the 10 business days. No Requests will be taken or actioned on the weekend or on a Public Holiday. If the matter is more urgent, we recommend that you make an appointment to see a doctor.
You can now request your repeat Prescriptions & Referrals online via the AutoMed (AMSConnect) app
Once you request a Script or Referral via the AutoMed app, you will receive a response via SMS within 5-10 business days.
Please note standard clinic policies still apply;
▪️Urgent scripts or referrals require an appointment (Don't forget Telehealth might be an option for you)
▪️You must have been seen in the last 6 months
▪️The issuing of the repeat script will be entirely under the discretion of the GP
▪️Medications will only be approved that have previously been prescribed & that are due for renewal
▪️Medications deemed addictive such as opiates and benzodiazepines are not provided through this service
▪️A maximum of 3 scripts per request applies. Any additional prescriptions will require an appointment.
Is there a fee? Yes the $20 fee applies to all scripts outside of an appointment (surcharges apply)
▪️ Cards details are entered in AutoMed during the online process however payment will only be taken on issued scripts.
▪️ A $1 pending charge is processed on your card when adding a payment method. This temporary pre-authorisation is used to verify your card details. You will never be charged this amount; it will be refunded almost immediately.
Doctors not offering online Script and Referral requests: Dr. Eric Tay, Dr. Roslyn Rayner, Dr. Laurence Elder, Dr. Stephen Park & Dr. Leanne Cole.
These doctors do accept Script & Referral requests over the phone so please call our Reception team.
The practice and each doctor is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of personal health information and abides by State and Commonwealth privacy legislation. Patient medical records withhold personal health information and is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice and doctors to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
You have the right to request for your personal health information to be transferred to another Medical Practice at any time.
All requests to transfer medical records must be in writing with the patient completing a Medical Consent Transfer Form provided by the clinic and doctor, with the patient signing the consent and listing the practice details to which the medical record is to be forwarded. A fee may be incurred for administrative time, recovery, inspection, collating, copying and postage.
Andrew Place Clinic may charge $20 for Transfer of Records to cover Australia Postage fees & Administration Costs.
We believe your medical concerns are best dealt with by making an appointment to see your Doctor.
If you have a brief query our receptionists will let your doctor know the relevant details and a receptionist, doctor or nurse will then return your call.
All queries are treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Generally reception do not interrupt consultations and you will receive a return call as soon as possible. Non-urgent requests may take 10 business days to action. If the query is more urgent, we recommend you make an appointment to see your doctor.
Some doctors will offer home visits for patients who are unable to be seen at the clinic.
We ask that you discuss this with your doctor directly or our reception team to arrange.
Many doctors care for residents of surrounding Aged Care Facilities and this is a very important community role.
Please contact our reception staff to discuss this further.
Andrew Place Clinic has ceased this service from August 2024.
Patients can contact Mole Map on 1800 665 362 or to book an appointment.
The nearest local clinic is now Preston.
Andrew Place Clinic employs an accredited service to care for patients when the clinic is closed.
The locum service number is (03) 9429 5677
In case of an emergency, please call an Ambulance on 000.
It may also be appropriate to attend the local emergency department
Northern Hospital (03) 8405 8000
Austin Hospital (03) 9496 5000
Royal Children’s Hospital (03) 9345 5522
Northpark Private Hospital (03) 9468 0565
Mercy Hospital for Women (03) 8458 4444
Primary Priority Care Centre (PPCC) for Non-Life Threatening injuries or illnesses: Heidelberg (03) 90009276 Epping (03) 94222220