COVID-19 Information
Masks are still preferred but not mandatory to be worn when attending for on site consultations and when entering our clinics. Please bring your mask & wear it appropriately.
Covid-19 is still very much affecting our community, along with many other respiratory viruses. Andrew Place Clinic are are committed to looking after your and your family. We need to keep our elderly and vulnerable patients and our staff safe whilst they wait in our clinic. Wearing a mask helps to reduce the risk of spread. We have installed high grade viral particle filters in every consulting room as well as in our waiting room.
We are constantly reviewing the way we manage infection risk along with the impact on the way our clinic runs and the impact on you. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate the best path ahead. Stay tuned for updated advice.
Flu & COVID Booster Vaccinations
Flu vaccinations normally are given each year from mid- April onwards as we begin to book appointments closer to the date to be protected before the influenza season, which is usually June to September in most parts of Australia. Annual vaccination against influenza is recommended for those over 6 months of age. This is especially important in the very young, very old and immunocompromised.
Alternatively if you would like to discuss this with your doctor, please call reception to book a consultation appointment.
From Wednesday 19th April 2023, you can book 5th & 6th Dose COVID Booster Vaccines.
Vaccination clinics will be (but not limited to and are subject to change due to staff, room and stock availability) on:
Monday afternoon 4pm to 6pm at APC Bundoora
Patients can have Flu & COVID Vaccines together. Alternatively patients can also book just for COVID or Flu vaccine on their own in any of these clinics.
Please note: Currently APC is only administering Adult COVID Vaccines. If you require a Junior COVID Vaccine, please log onto to find locations to book a Junior COVID Vaccine appointment.
Please call reception if you would like to discuss flu vaccinations and or book into a clinic for your 5th or 6th Dose COVID Booster vaccination or alternatively discuss vaccinations with your doctor during a consultation.
Covid-19 Antiviral Medications – update
If you test positive for COVID-19, you may be eligible for antiviral treatments if you are:
70 years and older (if within 5 days of symptom onset, or as soon as possible if you have no symptoms but test positive.)
50 years or older with 2 additional risk factors
We welcome you to book in to discuss this with your doctor ahead of time if you have complex health care needs or are on a lot of medications - to make a plan.
If you do test positive and you fall into the above categories, please call reception as soon as possible and make it clear that you are covid positive and think you may be eligible for anti-viral treatment and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Covid-19 Vaccination - update
We continue to run vaccination clinics on a regular basis to deliver protection against Covid-19 to our community.
The updated recommendations are:
• Adults aged 50 years and over are now recommended to receive a winter booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
• Adults aged 30 to 49 years can elect to receive a winter booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, however the benefit for people in this age group is less certain.
• The interval between the last COVID-19 vaccine dose (or recent COVID-19 infection) and a fourth booster dose is now 3 months.
The booster of Covid vaccine is also recommended by ATAGI for the following groups:
severely immuno-suppressed age 16+,
aged care and disability care residents
people aged 16 plus who have complex, chronic or severe conditions that are considered to increase their risk of severe illness from Covid-19 – see this link for eligible conditions.
Please phone reception to book in for your 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th dose.
Clinic Operating During the Pandemic and Lockdowns
In Preparation - Blood Pressure Machine & Electronic Temperature Probe
“ In preparation for the upcoming prolonged physical distancing we would suggest each family consider purchasing an Blood Pressure machine (we use Omron and recommend this for anyone over 40 years of age) and an electronic temperature probe ( we use Braun via the ear probe and recommend this for everyone) and familiarise yourself we how it works. This will help the doctors monitor your conditions and health whilst being at home.”
Andrew Place Clinic is open and operating during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The reminder from HOTDOC that is sent out 24hrs prior to your appointment can be used as evidence of your Medical appointment, should you need it.
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions we kindly ask for all transactions where possible to be performed via EFTPOS or CREDIT CARD. Thank you.
If you have flu-like symptoms, including a fever, cough, headache, sore throat or shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste it is important you seek medical care early as these may be COVID-19 symptoms. Please contact us via phone prior to making a booking or visiting the Clinic. Please advise at the time of booking if you have been in an area identified as a COVID-19 hotspot or exposure site in the last 2 weeks or you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
It is mandatory that all patients attending for a face to face appointment wear a mask upon entering and while within the clinic or staff are in their presence.
What we are doing to be a COVIDSAFE Clinic
To maintain the safety of our patients and staff, we have implemented COVIDSAFE practices in our clinic:
What you can do to be COVIDSAFE at our Clinic
Here's how you can help:
We are here to support all of our patients in the best way we can.
We would like to encourage our patients to not neglect their healthcare and to continue with their usual regular check-ups, procedures and immunisations. Our Doctors are available for COVIDSAFE face to face consultations and via telehealth
COVID-19 Vaccinations
Andrew Place Clinic is supporting the national Covid-19 vaccination roll out. We have AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccinations.
Andrew Place Clinic will be apart of the 5-11yr old Vaccination rollout with Pfizer vaccine, please refer to HotDoc via the Appointments Tab for available bookings. Further information will be available soon. You can also book via a State Vaccination hub if you require a booking sooner as 5-11yr olds became eligible from 10/1/2022.
Please be patient and understanding as we make the arrangements for these vaccination clinics.
To access the Covid19 vaccination through a state vaccination centre (see link below).
Check if you're eligible to receive the vaccine via the eligibility checker link for the latest information.
Use the eligibility checker link to see if you are eligible.
If you do still need to discuss Covid-19 Vaccinations please call 03 9467 1444 between the hours of 10am-2pm Monday to Friday only to discuss with reception staff.
Your patience is much appreciated during this very busy time. We thank you for your cooperation.
COVID-19 Vaccination for 5-11yr old - Children aged 5 to 11 years old became eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations from 10th Januray 2022.
The vaccine is one third of the adult dose and will be delivered at 2 separate appointments via a vaccination clinic and are expected to be 8 weeks apart. The time between the two doses may be shortened in special circumstances.
The commencement of the program from 10/1/2022 provides opportunity for all children aged 5 to 11 to receive at least one vaccine dose before they return to school for the 2022 school year. It is strongly encouraged to have your child vaccinated as COVID-19 vaccines have been tested and shown to be safe and effective in protecting against serious illness and reducing the likelihood of COVID-19 spreading and disrupting your child's education and out-of-school activities.
Vaccination is not mandatory to attend school but it is highly encouraged to keep all children and their families safe.
For any questions about the vaccination please call the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398
Andrew Place Clinic will be apart of this rollout and are currently organising availability for these clinics, please refer to HotDoc via the Appointments Tab for booking availability. More Information will be available soon. You can also book via a State Vaccination hub if your require a booking earlier.
Please be patient and understanding as we make the arrangements for these vaccination clinics.
As you are all aware we are still facing the coronavirus pandemic. This can be a worrying time but we, the Andrew Place Clinic staff, want to assure you that we remain dedicated to assisting our patients and their families throughout these challenging circumstances.
In order to minimise the potential spread of the coronavirus we will be implementing some changes to the way Andrew Place Clinic runs and we would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Also be aware that this is a rapidly changing situation and as such advice and procedures are likely to change. Please continue to check out website for the most updated information.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic we are unable to see any patients with cold or flu symptoms (including cough, fever, sore throat or runny nose) in-clinic without COVID-Safe arrangements being made. We ask that you book a telehealth consult – which is a consultation conducted over the phone (a facetime or zoom chat can also be arranged) for the doctor to make an assessment or consultation with you. If you are booking an appointment to consult with your doctor for an unrelated issue – but also have cold and flu symptoms – even if very mild – we ask that you arrange a telehealth appointment, inform the receptionist so that COVID-Safe arrangement can be made or postpone your appointment until you are symptom free.
In order to minimise potential exposure to the coronavirus, while you are within the clinic we will be implementing the following:-
Again, these are worrying times and sometimes that worry can become significant distress. Please contact Andrew Place Clinic if you are concerned about your own mental health, or that of a loved one. For 24 hour a day telephone crisis support please contact Lifeline on 13 11 44.
For Further COVID-19 Advice, patients can call:
DHHS Hotline: 1800 675 398 (open 24 hours, 7 days)
Austin Hospital: 9496 5000
Northern Hospital: 8405 8844 (only if they have a fever)
Thank you for your understanding.
COVID-19 Information Links
To stay informed about COVID19 Vaccines and information, please see links below:
Learn about getting vaccinated:
Information on COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca
Masks are still preferred but not mandatory to be worn when attending for on site consultations and when entering our clinics. Please bring your mask & wear it appropriately.
Covid-19 is still very much affecting our community, along with many other respiratory viruses. Andrew Place Clinic are are committed to looking after your and your family. We need to keep our elderly and vulnerable patients and our staff safe whilst they wait in our clinic. Wearing a mask helps to reduce the risk of spread. We have installed high grade viral particle filters in every consulting room as well as in our waiting room.
We are constantly reviewing the way we manage infection risk along with the impact on the way our clinic runs and the impact on you. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate the best path ahead. Stay tuned for updated advice.
Flu & COVID Booster Vaccinations
Flu vaccinations normally are given each year from mid- April onwards as we begin to book appointments closer to the date to be protected before the influenza season, which is usually June to September in most parts of Australia. Annual vaccination against influenza is recommended for those over 6 months of age. This is especially important in the very young, very old and immunocompromised.
Alternatively if you would like to discuss this with your doctor, please call reception to book a consultation appointment.
From Wednesday 19th April 2023, you can book 5th & 6th Dose COVID Booster Vaccines.
Vaccination clinics will be (but not limited to and are subject to change due to staff, room and stock availability) on:
Monday afternoon 4pm to 6pm at APC Bundoora
Patients can have Flu & COVID Vaccines together. Alternatively patients can also book just for COVID or Flu vaccine on their own in any of these clinics.
Please note: Currently APC is only administering Adult COVID Vaccines. If you require a Junior COVID Vaccine, please log onto to find locations to book a Junior COVID Vaccine appointment.
Please call reception if you would like to discuss flu vaccinations and or book into a clinic for your 5th or 6th Dose COVID Booster vaccination or alternatively discuss vaccinations with your doctor during a consultation.
Covid-19 Antiviral Medications – update
If you test positive for COVID-19, you may be eligible for antiviral treatments if you are:
70 years and older (if within 5 days of symptom onset, or as soon as possible if you have no symptoms but test positive.)
50 years or older with 2 additional risk factors
We welcome you to book in to discuss this with your doctor ahead of time if you have complex health care needs or are on a lot of medications - to make a plan.
If you do test positive and you fall into the above categories, please call reception as soon as possible and make it clear that you are covid positive and think you may be eligible for anti-viral treatment and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Covid-19 Vaccination - update
We continue to run vaccination clinics on a regular basis to deliver protection against Covid-19 to our community.
The updated recommendations are:
• Adults aged 50 years and over are now recommended to receive a winter booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
• Adults aged 30 to 49 years can elect to receive a winter booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, however the benefit for people in this age group is less certain.
• The interval between the last COVID-19 vaccine dose (or recent COVID-19 infection) and a fourth booster dose is now 3 months.
The booster of Covid vaccine is also recommended by ATAGI for the following groups:
severely immuno-suppressed age 16+,
aged care and disability care residents
people aged 16 plus who have complex, chronic or severe conditions that are considered to increase their risk of severe illness from Covid-19 – see this link for eligible conditions.
Please phone reception to book in for your 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th dose.
Clinic Operating During the Pandemic and Lockdowns
In Preparation - Blood Pressure Machine & Electronic Temperature Probe
“ In preparation for the upcoming prolonged physical distancing we would suggest each family consider purchasing an Blood Pressure machine (we use Omron and recommend this for anyone over 40 years of age) and an electronic temperature probe ( we use Braun via the ear probe and recommend this for everyone) and familiarise yourself we how it works. This will help the doctors monitor your conditions and health whilst being at home.”
Andrew Place Clinic is open and operating during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The reminder from HOTDOC that is sent out 24hrs prior to your appointment can be used as evidence of your Medical appointment, should you need it.
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions we kindly ask for all transactions where possible to be performed via EFTPOS or CREDIT CARD. Thank you.
If you have flu-like symptoms, including a fever, cough, headache, sore throat or shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste it is important you seek medical care early as these may be COVID-19 symptoms. Please contact us via phone prior to making a booking or visiting the Clinic. Please advise at the time of booking if you have been in an area identified as a COVID-19 hotspot or exposure site in the last 2 weeks or you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
It is mandatory that all patients attending for a face to face appointment wear a mask upon entering and while within the clinic or staff are in their presence.
What we are doing to be a COVIDSAFE Clinic
To maintain the safety of our patients and staff, we have implemented COVIDSAFE practices in our clinic:
- Patients will be screened before or when entering and all patients may be asked to start their consultation with GP or Nurse over the phone, before being instructed if and when to enter the clinic
- Protective screens have been installed at reception
- Chairs in waiting rooms have been spread out to comply with physical distancing
- Doctor consult rooms have also been arranged to comply with physical distancing
- The centre is thoroughly cleaned throughout the day
What you can do to be COVIDSAFE at our Clinic
Here's how you can help:
- Please answer the COVID-19 screening questions on arrival honestly
- Wear a face mask correctly and appropriately
- Maintain physical distancing
- Please keep space between yourself and the patient seated next to you
- Wash your hands thoroughly and use the hand sanitizers provided
- Respect staff and follow their guidance as they are here to help
We are here to support all of our patients in the best way we can.
We would like to encourage our patients to not neglect their healthcare and to continue with their usual regular check-ups, procedures and immunisations. Our Doctors are available for COVIDSAFE face to face consultations and via telehealth
COVID-19 Vaccinations
Andrew Place Clinic is supporting the national Covid-19 vaccination roll out. We have AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccinations.
Andrew Place Clinic will be apart of the 5-11yr old Vaccination rollout with Pfizer vaccine, please refer to HotDoc via the Appointments Tab for available bookings. Further information will be available soon. You can also book via a State Vaccination hub if you require a booking sooner as 5-11yr olds became eligible from 10/1/2022.
Please be patient and understanding as we make the arrangements for these vaccination clinics.
To access the Covid19 vaccination through a state vaccination centre (see link below).
Check if you're eligible to receive the vaccine via the eligibility checker link for the latest information.
Use the eligibility checker link to see if you are eligible.
If you do still need to discuss Covid-19 Vaccinations please call 03 9467 1444 between the hours of 10am-2pm Monday to Friday only to discuss with reception staff.
Your patience is much appreciated during this very busy time. We thank you for your cooperation.
COVID-19 Vaccination for 5-11yr old - Children aged 5 to 11 years old became eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations from 10th Januray 2022.
The vaccine is one third of the adult dose and will be delivered at 2 separate appointments via a vaccination clinic and are expected to be 8 weeks apart. The time between the two doses may be shortened in special circumstances.
The commencement of the program from 10/1/2022 provides opportunity for all children aged 5 to 11 to receive at least one vaccine dose before they return to school for the 2022 school year. It is strongly encouraged to have your child vaccinated as COVID-19 vaccines have been tested and shown to be safe and effective in protecting against serious illness and reducing the likelihood of COVID-19 spreading and disrupting your child's education and out-of-school activities.
Vaccination is not mandatory to attend school but it is highly encouraged to keep all children and their families safe.
For any questions about the vaccination please call the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398
Andrew Place Clinic will be apart of this rollout and are currently organising availability for these clinics, please refer to HotDoc via the Appointments Tab for booking availability. More Information will be available soon. You can also book via a State Vaccination hub if your require a booking earlier.
Please be patient and understanding as we make the arrangements for these vaccination clinics.
As you are all aware we are still facing the coronavirus pandemic. This can be a worrying time but we, the Andrew Place Clinic staff, want to assure you that we remain dedicated to assisting our patients and their families throughout these challenging circumstances.
In order to minimise the potential spread of the coronavirus we will be implementing some changes to the way Andrew Place Clinic runs and we would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Also be aware that this is a rapidly changing situation and as such advice and procedures are likely to change. Please continue to check out website for the most updated information.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic we are unable to see any patients with cold or flu symptoms (including cough, fever, sore throat or runny nose) in-clinic without COVID-Safe arrangements being made. We ask that you book a telehealth consult – which is a consultation conducted over the phone (a facetime or zoom chat can also be arranged) for the doctor to make an assessment or consultation with you. If you are booking an appointment to consult with your doctor for an unrelated issue – but also have cold and flu symptoms – even if very mild – we ask that you arrange a telehealth appointment, inform the receptionist so that COVID-Safe arrangement can be made or postpone your appointment until you are symptom free.
In order to minimise potential exposure to the coronavirus, while you are within the clinic we will be implementing the following:-
- Please call the reception when you arrive for your appointment and remain in your car. Reception will log you as arrived and when the Doctor/ Nurse is ready to see you, they will call and instructed you when and if you are to enter the clinic. Upon entering the clinic ALL people must sanitise hands as they pass by reception and patients >12yrs old must have a mask on and worn appropriately and correctly when entering and while within the clinic.
- Waiting room seats have been separated to create distances which will minimise your exposure to other patients, if you need to wait in the waiting room. By limiting the number of people in the waiting room/ clinic; we therefore reduce your risk. Similarly you may notice a change in the seating arrangements in all consulting rooms.
- Please ensure you use hand sanitiser as you enter the clinic and then again on leaving.
Again, these are worrying times and sometimes that worry can become significant distress. Please contact Andrew Place Clinic if you are concerned about your own mental health, or that of a loved one. For 24 hour a day telephone crisis support please contact Lifeline on 13 11 44.
For Further COVID-19 Advice, patients can call:
DHHS Hotline: 1800 675 398 (open 24 hours, 7 days)
Austin Hospital: 9496 5000
Northern Hospital: 8405 8844 (only if they have a fever)
Thank you for your understanding.
COVID-19 Information Links
To stay informed about COVID19 Vaccines and information, please see links below:
Learn about getting vaccinated:
Information on COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca